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Event Series Event Series: Chesterton Pro-Life Club

The Pro-Life Club meets monthly to discuss activities that further the pro-life cause.  In addition, the club has spiritually adopted a total of nine unborn babies, promising  to pray for their lives daily.  The club hopes to develop lasting relationships with crisis centers such as Summit Life Outreach and St. Gianna Molla in order to better support young mothers in crisis and their unborn babies.

Please join us in praying for the unborn:

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we ask you to intervene in the lives of those who are in danger of death at the hands of the misguided.  Move souls and hearts to be open to the truth and realize the dignity of all human beings from conception to death.  As your children, we unite ourselves to you so that we may more perfectly fight for life.  Give us courage, strength, compassion and love, so we may attract others to be part of your life.

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