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Event Series Event Series: Morning Meet & Greet Sessions

Parents and 8th grade students are invited to attend a Meet & Greet Session.   You’ll meet our Headmaster, Dean of Academics, faculty and students and learn about our unique mission and classical curriculum.  Parents and students will also be able to sit in on several classes to experience the benefits of small class sizes and our socratic seminar first hand. Come find out if Chesterton is right for you!

Morning Meet & Greet Dates:

Mondays, December 13th, January 10th and March 14th from (8:45AM-11:00AM)



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Parents and 8th grade students are invited to attend a Meet & Greet Session.   You’ll meet our Headmaster, Dean of Academics, faculty and students and learn about our unique mission and classical curriculum.  Parents and students will also be able to sit in on several classes to experience the benefits of small class sizes and our socratic seminar first hand. Come find out if Chesterton is right for you!

Morning Meet & Greet Dates:

Mondays, December 13th, January 10th and March 14th from (8:45AM-11:00AM)



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